Quarantine Routines

Photographing how people’s lives have shifted from public places to staying at home. The global pandemic has altered numerous aspects of daily life and brought upon vast changes to how a society must operate. Although most of what is broadcasted about quarantine is negative, people are continuously searching for positivity amongst the changes. Below are examples of people’s daily routines and where they find joy and motivation.


Syd Ellis

I gratefully live in an apartment with a small porch and yard. I begin each day with a walk, have coffee, and work outside. This morning, I am taking time to repot my houseplants... Growing plants comforts me. On rainy days, I can feel like I am outdoors. 

In my downtime, I keep myself busy oil painting. And I end my days by enjoying music, drinks, and making a meal. I’m trying to enjoy cooking new things I usually don’t have time to make... Sushi on Wednesday


Brie Flora

I try and spend a good chunk of time on my porch everyday if it’s nice enough out, tending flowers, drawing, or doing yoga for peace of mind.

I’m pushing myself to get back into a consistent studio routine, but it is difficult. I’m definitely beginning to learn new ways of thinking about my work and what it’s going to look like moving forward.

Other than that, I find joy in checking in on and FaceTiming family and friends, and trying out new recipes with my partner David.


Shelby Clement




Short Documentaries